
Bo's Ham WWW Page


Freie Deutsche Jugend

Badge used by the former "Freie Deutsche Jugend" (Free German Youth, a communist affiliated youth organisation) in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany/DDR).

I had/have no relations to FDJ (OZ1FDJ now OZ2M), but a nice kind of propaganda :-)

Ham history

VHF license 1979-Jun-13 as OZ1FDJ. HF license spring 1980.

Primary interest is 50 MHz, 70 MHz, 144 MHz and 432 MHz.

I am not QRV on HF. My last HF QSO was on 2001-Oct-28. So do not expect to find me there. The only reason I have a HF capable radio is to use it for my transverters.

Callsign changed to OZ2M 2000-Jan-01, more about who first used the OZ2M callsign.

I am a proud member of PNGonVHF.


Location: JO65FR24.

Frequency Radio Power NF Antenna mAGL mASL
HF IC-7300 100 W - None - -
50 MHz IC-7300 100 W - HB9CV 14 39
70 MHz IC-7300 100 W 2 dB 4 elements yagi 13 38
144 MHz IC-9700 1 kW 1 dB 15 el. by Cue Dee (15144AN, p.1, p.2, p.3)1641
432 MHzIC-970075 W-19 el. by F9FT Tonna (20919) 12 37
1,3 GHzIC-970010 W-None - -
RX<2 GHzIC-R7100-4 dBScanmaster D1300, 25 MHz - 1,3 GHz discone 14 39

Band status

Terrestrial Band Status, 2017-Jun-16.

Frequency Squares Fields DXCCs Tropo Aurora Auroral E Es MS F2
50 MHz 498 38 96 566 1173 1311 7675 1216 8632
70 MHz 174 15 40 851 1094 1055 3833 1220 -
144 MHz 610 17 63 1982 1894 1814 2599 2203 -
432 MHz 63 4 15 1247 684 - - - -
1,3 GHz 11 1 4 555 - - - - -

All distances are in km and calculated using the WGS 84 Earth Model and Vincenty's Inverse Algorithm. EME and cross band contacts are not included in the above status.


Year Call Square(s) MHz Other Participants
1981 LA/OZ1FDJ/P JO49 144  
1982 LA/OZ1FDJ JP51 144 OZ1FTU
1983 LA/OZ1FDJ JO39 144, 432 OZ1DOQ
1984 4U1ITU JN36 144-1296 OZ: 1DOQ, 1DJJ, 1EYE, 1FDH, 1FTU, 1FVF, 9QV
1986 T70A JN63 144-1296 DL6LAU, I4YNO, OZ1DOQ, OZ1FTU
1987 4U1ITU JN36 144 GW8VHI, OZ1FTU
1988 DL/OZ1DOQ/P JO54 144 OZ1DOQ, OZ1FTU
2000 OX2K GP46, GP47 50-1296 OZ Group
2002 JW/OZ2M JQ78 50  
2003 OZ2M/P JO55, JO56, JO66 70  
2004 OZ2AR JO66 144 OZ1BNN, OZ1PIF, OZ1RH
2006 LA/PA5DD JP61 144 PA5DD
2007 LA/PA5DD JP41 144 PA5DD
2007 SM6/OZ2M JO58 144 PA5DD
2008 RZ1AWO/P KP70 144, 432 OH5LID, RU1AS, RV1AA, RV1AC, RV2FW, RX1AX
2008 SM4/OZ2M JO69 144 PA5DD
2008 LA/PA5DD JP51 144 PA5DD
2009 3A/OZ2M JN33 70, 144  
2009 LA/OZ2M JP40 50-144 OZ1BNN, PA5DD
2010 OZ2M/P JO44, JO47, JO57 70  
2010 OZ2M/P JO56 70  
2010 OZ2M/P JO66 70  
2010 3A/OZ2M JN33 70, 144 PA5DD
2011 LA/OZ2M JO58, JO69, JP60 70  
2011 OZ2M/P JO44, JO47, JO56, JO57 70  
2012 OH0/OZ2M JP90, KO09 70 OZ1BGZ, OZ1FTU
2012 OZ2M/P JO74, JO75 70  
2012 SP1/OZ2M JO72, JO73 70  
2014 SM6/OZ2M JO67 70  

My antennas for 50 MHz and 144 MHz.

The mast, rotator mounts, 144 MHz DCI band pass filter and DB6NT pre-amp and 432 MHz 9 el. F9FT antenna all under the roof.

Panoramic view.

Altitude map in 10 x 10 km2 resolution. Courtesy Radio Mobile and Uffe, PA5DD.

Horizontal elevation map. Obstacle at 45-65° is Herlev Hospital 400 m away. Courtesy Radio Mobile and Uffe, PA5DD.

Miscellaneous pictures

Here I am operating on 144 MHz during the 1997 VHF & Above Field Day Contest. Picture taken Sunday noon - I guess. Picture courtesy OZ1IEP.

See, not that sleepy after all. Picture courtesy OZ1IEP.

The Weinheim Flee Market. From left me, Uffe, PA5DD (ex. OZ1DOQ) and Ole, OZ8OM. Picture courtesy PA5DD.

The first OZ2M

The OZ2M callsign was first issued to K. L. Ewald, Adelgade 18, Hobro, Denmark. I wish to thank to Bob, W5KNE, for researching the history about OZ2M. Without his work the story below would not have been possible.

OZ2M used a 4 stage c.c. rig on 14,110 kc. and runs about 100 W input. His QSL card can be found on many walls throughout the world. Source: Pacific Radio Publishing Company, Radio magazine 1936.

OM Ewald says that soon his 12-year-old daughter, Kirsten, will have a license and will be on the air under the call OZ2YL. Source: Russian publication? 1937.

The station of K. L Ewald. OZ2M,Denmark. Click to view in separate window. Source: found by Bob, W5KNE.

The OZ2M QSL card anno 1949. The QSL confirms a QSO with W4JTR on 28 MHz dated 1949-03-25. Source: found by Uffe, PA5DD.

OZ2M mentioned in "OZ" November 1934.

Snippet view OZ2M, THE FIRST DANISH 28-MC. WAC Built and operated by K. L. Ewald, of Hobro, OZ2M is well known in the DX world, and was the highest scoring Danish station in the 1936 DX Contest. The crystal-controlled transmitter uses a Marconi T250 in. Source: American Radio Relay League, QST, Volume 20, 1936.

OZ2M mentioned in "DASD" 1936.

OZ2M mentioned in "OZ" January 1937.

QST, vol. 34 (1950) mentions OZ2M on 10 m.

Bo, OZ2M, www.rudius.net/oz2m